Little Lamb goes to the Easter Festival
This tutorial was written using PSP 7.02 but should be able to be done in PSP 6 with a few adjustments.
This tutorial uses selections, a tube (included) and one present shape which I believe is standard.
You will need:
Jasc's PaintShop Pro-Get it HERE
My zip files-Get them HERE
Unzip to the folder of your choice and put the tube in the Jasc tube folder.
Step 1:
Open a New Image 400 x 400 16 Million Colors Transparent
Set foreground and background colors to White.
Step 2:
Go to Layers/New Raster Layer name it egg bottom
Go to selections/Load from Disk and choose egg.sel
Flood fill with white
Keep selected
Go to Effects/noise/add (see image)
Keep selected
Go to Effects/3D/inner bevel and use these settings.
Step 3:
Go to Layers/New Raster Layer name it egg top.
Go to selections/Load from disk and choose eggtop.sel
Flood fill with white
Add the same noise and inner bevel as above
Go to Layers/arrange/move to bottom.
Step 4:
Go to Layers/New Raster Layer name it egg back
Go to selections/Load from disk and choose eggback.sel
Flood fill with white
Keep selected
Invert selection
Go to Effects/3D/Drop Shadow and apply these settings
Step 5:
Go to Layer Pallet and click on top layer.
Go to Layers/New Raster Layer name it wheels
Go to the preset shapes and make a wheel about the size of a dime. See settings below.
Go to Edit/Copy and then to Edit/Paste as a new selection and position on top of other wheel.
Do Not Deselect
Go to image/rotate 45 degrees. Make sure you uncheck all layers.
Edit/copy then Edit/paste as a new selection. Put in position for other wheel.
Step 6:
Go to Layers/New Raster Layer name it handle
Go to Selections/Load from disk and select the handle.sel
Flood fill with white
Do not deselect
Go to Effects/3D/inner bevel and apply these settings.
Step 7:
Hide back of egg layer and Merge Visible
Step 8:
Click on egg back layer.
Go to Layers/New Raster Layer name it lamb.
position Lamb in carriage.
This Lamb Tube was made from a tutorial by Sue.
She has lots of great tutorials on her site.
Please visit her site here.
Step 9:
Click on top layer
Go to Layers/New Raster Layer and name it words.
Change foreground color to null and background color to white.
Use Font of your choice to write Message.
I used the Champagne Font Size 28
Leave selected.
Go to Effects/3D/Drop Shadow and apply this drop shadow.
Go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible
Go to Effects?Drop Shadow and apply these settings.
You may add a flower or anything in his hand if you wish. Just make a new layer. Add you tube, erase the center part where his hoof is. Then merge visible.
If you have any questions, send me email.
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Graphics ©Copyrighted Prestigious Dames & Prestigious PSP
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